

Open source for distance learning thanks to the initiative

GARR makes free web conference resources available that will particularly help schools with providing distance learning during the COVID-19 emergency.

COVID19 causes explosive growth of remote classes for Chilean universities

The suspension of classes, as a result of the health emergency, forced Chilean universities to accelerate their digitization processes and the incorporation of videoconferencing platforms.

Volcano surveillance in near-real time

Recent research on the Italian volcano Mount Etna, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, may have developed a new tool for predicting eruptions.

Coronavirus triggers Portuguese distance learning boom

The academic communities in Portugal have rapidly taken up distance learning services due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Over very short time, the number of daily users has risen from just below 2,000 to more than 60,000.

Supporting the global challenges of the novel coronavirus

The global network of interconnected National Research and Education Networks is boosting international capacity where needed as part of the global rapid response to the recent novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

Supporting academic publishing in Ukraine

The URAN Publishing Service provides academics in Ukraine with the reliable virtual computing infrastructure they need to overcome technical barriers to publishing articles in academic journals online

MOREnet’s Immersive Learning Lab: empowering educators with technology

MOREnet's Immersive Learning Lab, the MILL, provides teachers with the training required to effectively implement innovative, hands-on technology-focused learning strategies.

Bridging 7000+ km to teach fisheries management

Fishery management experts from The Arctic University of Norway are teaching Somali students how to exploit their marine resources. The teaching collaboration features interactive live lectures allowing for two-way communication, questions and discussions.  

Broadband in K-12 Schools Boosts Teaching Practices and Learning Outcomes

High-speed Internet is redefining K-12 education in the US. Studies show that learning outcomes are better when technology is integrated into pedagogically sound teaching. Two vastly different California schools are showing the power of broadband by using the same digital learning tools.

Remote music education at 10 Gbits per second

Powerful R&E connectivity enables musicians and actors to learn and perform together, although they are hundreds of kilometers apart.

Giving researchers access to real world 5G cellular mobile infrastructure

With an increasing number of researchers working with 5G, there is a growing demand for test facilities outside of a restricted laboratory setting. The EUWireless project is now offering users a complete “telecommunication infrastructure” at his or her disposal.

Data Stewards to the rescue, please!

According to experts, the world needs Data Stewards. Estimates say, that in Europe alone 500.000 will be needed over the coming years. Research & education networks are contributing to make that happen.