Fishery management experts from The Arctic University of Norway are teaching Somali students how to exploit their marine resources. The teaching collaboration features interactive live lectures allowing for two-way communication, questions and discussions.
By using sophisticated Big Data based geospatial software researchers have revealed a remarkable development: Between 2000 and 2015, housing with improved water and sanitation, sufficient living area and durable construction has doubled in sub-Saharan Africa.
eduroam is turned on in Cape Town’s public libraries, providing wireless roaming services and free Internet access to the research and education community globally.
Scientists in Kenya and Australia collaborate on a research project to diagnose viruses that infect cassava, and sequencing whole cassava virus genomes in order to help eradicate infection.
In South Africa, a major milestone has been reached with the completion of the University of Cape Town segment of the Rural Campuses Connection project, part of a national initiative to connect the country’s rural research facilities.
Eko-Konnect's internship initiative in Nigeria exposes students to real-life digital technology trends and challenges, such as develping a cost effective way to deploy security and monitoring on campuses across the country.
Data Carpentry focuses on teaching computational best practices to scientists and has built a shared community with more than 1000 certified instructors and 47 current Member Organizations around the world.
A collaboration between Brazil and Mozambique involving training and knowledge sharing has yielded beneficial results in a number of areas ranging from telehealth to cybersecurity.
The West and Central African Research and Education Network is forging strategic partnerships to support women in ICT, demonstrating its commitment to opening windows of opportunities for women, historically underrepresented in STEM fields.
What does a modern teaching and learning facility that is part of a global institution of higher learning need to have to stay in touch with its partner campuses in other parts of the world?
Frequent in arid regions, dust storms can have devastating effects. Powered by R&E connectivity, monitoring and simulations equip scientists to better predict them and assist authorities in issuing alerts to help people, particularly asthma sufferers, take protective action.
The groundbreaking TAITAGIS project aims at building a critical mass of postgraduates equipped to overcome the huge human resource deficit in Applied Geoinformatics in Kenya and Eastern Africa.