

Boosting ultra-sensitive microscopes

Using the HPC Cloud, a new strategy has been developed to make microscopes more sensitive, helping with the study of living organic substances (such as cancer cells).

Network connects astronomical observatories of the Canary Islands to the world

Data transmission between the astronomical observatories of the Canary Islands and the world increased tenfold since improving its connection to RedIRIS in 2012

Proteomics project faster with grids and lightpaths

The research field of proteomics contributes to important new medical insights, producing vast amounts of data along the way.  To convert these massive amounts of proteomics data into knowledge requires dedicated computing and storage capacity.

Protecting the research & education sector against cyber attacks

As cyber attacks increase steadily in frequency and scale, the importance of defending ones own network against attackers increases as well. That is why many R&E networks have a Computer Emergency Response Team, CERT, to handle security incidents.

Using big data solutions to solve the mystery of worm behavior

To study the strategies animals use to navigate the world around them, researchers analyse the behaviour of roundworms to create a model system. The project faced a number of data challenges that threatened to hold the team back from their scientific goal.

Casting your digital vote with Zeus

Zeus is a highly successful online voting system with ultra-high security, excluding any possibility of tampering with the result, together with guaranteeing full voter anonymity. 

Research network connects hospital gene equipment to supercomputer

Without a direct connection across the Danish NREN, the national hospital Rigshospitalet would not have been able to use its new gene sequencing equipment.

Cross-border concert showcases unique technology for teaching and performance

‘Music Without Borders’ using LoLA low latency data transmission technology was enjoyed by Ministers and Ambassadors from around Europe and Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries.

Research & Education networking in 78 seconds

Wonder what a Research & Education network is all about? The bright people at Norwegien R&E network Uninett have produced a marvelous little video explaining the basics of it all - in just 78 seconds. Take a look and get enlightened!

Dear cultural heritage conservationists, please relax – the MOLAB van is on its way

When artworks are too fragile to be moved, you have to come to them. The MOLAB team helps art historians and conservationists study fragile artefacts with hi-tech non-invasive equipment.

Closer to the “Holy Grail” of medical diagnosis

The ‘Holy Grail’ of medical diagnostics is an imaging technique that allows screening, diagnosis and monitoring of the progress of disease without damaging tissue or harming the patient. Processing and analysing large amounts of research data and collaboration between researchers play a central role.

LAGO Observatory: global collaboration, cosmic results

The LAGO (Latin American Giant Observatory) project traverses the skies of Latin America to set its sights on uncovering the mysteries of faraway galaxies.