

From Sweden to scientists around the world

"Space and earth science are drivers of technical development, and with better instruments and more computing power we hope to realise many more ideas in the future," says Eskil Varenius from the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at Chalmers University of Technology.

What happens inside our heads listening to music?

Academy Professor Petri Toiviainen's research team at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, has set out to understand what happens in the brain when listening to music. Their experiments utilize Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and a supercomputer cluster provided by the Finnish research and education network CSC.

Digital exams – Norway is leading the way

Several research and education networks are breaking new ground in their effort to develop a system for digitizing exams. But still there is a long way to go.

Mapping the landscape, managing the future

Moroccan and French researchers are using high-speed networks to combine their expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing to produce new thematic maps of Agadir, Morocco and to monitor this fragile landscape.

Tracking Kyrgyzstan’s melting glaciers

Understanding how the environment is altering through ongoing monitoring is key to coping with the effects of climate change. Working with European partners, the Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) in Kyrgyzstan is able to monitor melting glaciers and mitigate the risks to the local population.

Archaeology uses 4G mobile network for field research

The Archaeology programme of University of Amsterdam uses 4G mobile network for education on location. During a field research assignment, students can consult various maps and sources of information instantly on location. This video explains the advantages of doing so as well as the technical structure of the pilot.

Transnational Education – taking global learning to a new level

Transnational Education (TNE) is growing at a brisk pace across the globe. Academic institutions are collaborating to jointly teach students who are benefitting from high quality teaching, locally, without needing to travel abroad. TNE activities are varied from remote campuses to joint degree programmes with institutions sharing best practice on a worldwide scale.

Freeing epilepsy patients from seizure

90% of the world’s 50 million epilepsy sufferers live in developing countries and a large minority need surgery as the only effective treatment. Thanks to the power of high-capacity R&E networks, the outlook for millions of epilepsy sufferers is being dramatically transformed and the costs of treatment substantially reduced.

Supercomputing at the trench edge

Danish archaeologists team up with experts in high performance computing to enable fast and intensive 3D recording for field archaeology.

Joining forces with the medical community to combat tropical diseases

Collaborations for Dengue Fever and Chikungunya initiatives are excellent examples of the scalable nature of efforts to build communities. As such, the tools and capabilities are easily adaptable to the plethora of infectious diseases that pose a global challenge.

Data sonification: from deep space research to improving lives through cancer research

"Data sonification is a powerful tool that can simplify how we analyse data...This technique can have real benefits to improve our lives, for example in cancer research."

Helping to win the race against severe weather

With extreme weather events increasingly hitting news headlines around the world, accurate and timely forecasts are essential for effective disaster warning and mitigation systems. This, in turn, calls for joint research efforts within the global meteorological community to improve models and tools for predicting severe weather, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods, heat waves etc.