

Connecting remote locations in Ireland

HEAnet is expanding its “eduroam Everywhere” project. Eduroam is a global secure mobility service developed for the academic and research community.

Harder times for fraudulent online shops

A new tool spots patterns in the way fraudulent web shops are set up and enables fast action to delete them.

Global partnership helps education sector defend against cyber attacks

Australia, Canada, UK and US collaborate on an automated platform to share intelligence on malware attacks

Cyber security risks rise for working at home

According to a Danish survey, 15 % of public employees admit to ignoring security guidelines of their workplace, while before the pandemic the same figure was just 8 %.

Safe Harbour for Migrating Fish and Cleaner Sustainable Energy

Tracking the migratory patterns of fish required connecting a vast number of sensors and cameras and the capacity to flawlessly transfer terabytes of recorded images and signals.

KNMI shares weather data with fellow institutes via EUMETSAT

Weather satellites provide raw data for weather and climate models. EUMETSAT collects this raw data and distributes the processed data to weather institutes in its member countries, such as the Dutch KNMI. The institutes themselves contribute to the processing of the data. How does this work, how are the data distributed, and what is SURF's role?

Computing for a sustainable world

High performance computing in Denmark plays a crucial role in finding solutions to the challenges of the future, such as eliminating poverty and hunger, protecting our climate, reducing inequalities, promoting education and health, and sustainable economic growth

Large genome project tackles pandemic

COVID-19 has been added to the list of health threats addressed in the 1+Million Genomes Initiative (B1MG), a joint effort by 23 European countries.

The Human Brain Project: navigating brain networks

Building a research infrastructure to harness multiple disciplines and computing, to help advance neuroscience, medicine and computing to the benefit of society.

Deep learning in cancer treatment: the algorithm that learns how to make us feel better

It is difficult to predict the course of a disease without knowing its past. For this reason, data analysis is taking on an increasingly crucial role.

The Armenian Data Cube: a successful collaboration for environmental sustainability

Game-changing technology for remote sensing Earth Observation and national-level data visualisation to measure productivity of pasture land, the presence of pollutants, and the impacts of natural phenomena such as erosion or droughts.

How a university in Scotland recovered from a ransomware attack

When Dundee and Angus College, in Scotland, UK, was brought to a halt by a cyberattack, its leadership had to face a new reality. “It dawned on me that, in a digital sense, there was no college; everything had been wiped. That was a pretty low moment,” says principal Simon Hewitt. Ironically, the first point... View Article