MOREnet's Immersive Learning Lab, the MILL, provides teachers with the training required to effectively implement innovative, hands-on technology-focused learning strategies.
Large databases, supercomputers and high-speed connections are part of the computational infrastructure to provide forecasts of political conflicts in Africa, and the peaceful university city of Uppsala, Sweden, is at the centre of it all.
The European “1+ Million Genomes” initiative aims at linking genomic databases across borders. But there is a challenge: You must do it do it without compromising data security.
Researchers have designed a uniquely detailed and precise model of solar energy potential on a global scale, and they are offering their data free of charge for everybody to use.
Fishery management experts from The Arctic University of Norway are teaching Somali students how to exploit their marine resources. The teaching collaboration features interactive live lectures allowing for two-way communication, questions and discussions.
When Hurricane Michael came ashore at Mexico Beach, Florida on October 10, 2018, it knocked the Traffic and Criminal Software, a vital piece of law enforcement software, offline.
High-speed Internet is redefining K-12 education in the US. Studies show that learning outcomes are better when technology is integrated into pedagogically sound teaching. Two vastly different California schools are showing the power of broadband by using the same digital learning tools.
With an increasing number of researchers working with 5G, there is a growing demand for test facilities outside of a restricted laboratory setting. The EUWireless project is now offering users a complete “telecommunication infrastructure” at his or her disposal.
According to experts, the world needs Data Stewards. Estimates say, that in Europe alone 500.000 will be needed over the coming years. Research & education networks are contributing to make that happen.