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Casting your digital vote with Zeus

Zeus is a highly successful online voting system with ultra-high security, excluding any possibility of tampering with the result, together with guaranteeing full voter anonymity. 

Helping Afghanistan’s youth rebuild their future

Minimising the brain drain and equipping the right people with the right skills is central to the efforts to re-shape the future of Afghanistan after years of turmoil. The Asi@Connect project contributes to these efforts by supporting capacity building of network engineers at universities across the country to help them ensure the smooth running of the educational process 'behind the scenes' and to consolidate the emerging AfgREN NREN.

Australian eResearch infrastructure lets astronomers hear echoes from the dawn of time

In a breakthrough discovery hailed as the most significant find in astronomy since gravitational waves, astronomers in the United States have used an Australian radio telescope to detect signal from the universe’s first stars.

TERNET leaps barriers to global teaching and learning

What does a modern teaching and learning facility that is part of a global institution of higher learning need to have to stay in touch with its partner campuses in other parts of the world?

How science engagers fight the ”Sneaker Net”

Many scientists are still moving hard drives or USB flash drives around although they don’t need to. They have a high-speed Research & Education Network at their service, but they are not taking full advantage of the networking resources available to them. This is where the Science Engager comes in.

Research network connects hospital gene equipment to supercomputer

Without a direct connection across the Danish NREN, the national hospital Rigshospitalet would not have been able to use its new gene sequencing equipment.

Cross-border concert showcases unique technology for teaching and performance

‘Music Without Borders’ using LoLA low latency data transmission technology was enjoyed by Ministers and Ambassadors from around Europe and Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries.

Research & Education networking in 78 seconds

Wonder what a Research & Education network is all about? The bright people at Norwegien R&E network Uninett have produced a marvelous little video explaining the basics of it all - in just 78 seconds. Take a look and get enlightened!

Monitoring dust storms to give asthma sufferers a breather

Frequent in arid regions, dust storms can have devastating effects. Powered by R&E connectivity, monitoring and simulations equip scientists to better predict them and assist authorities in issuing alerts to help people, particularly asthma sufferers, take protective action.

Dear cultural heritage conservationists, please relax – the MOLAB van is on its way

When artworks are too fragile to be moved, you have to come to them. The MOLAB team helps art historians and conservationists study fragile artefacts with hi-tech non-invasive equipment.

Closer to the “Holy Grail” of medical diagnosis

The ‘Holy Grail’ of medical diagnostics is an imaging technique that allows screening, diagnosis and monitoring of the progress of disease without damaging tissue or harming the patient. Processing and analysing large amounts of research data and collaboration between researchers play a central role.

LAGO Observatory: global collaboration, cosmic results

The LAGO (Latin American Giant Observatory) project traverses the skies of Latin America to set its sights on uncovering the mysteries of faraway galaxies.